Darling Charming is MY favorite character, so I was hotly anticipating the Dragon Games version of her, which arrived on my doorstep today! I think this is my absolute favorite Ever After High line EVER...the dolls have so much detail, and are so well-executed, that I am just majorly impressed with all of them.

That being said, I am a tad bit disappointed by this Dragon Games Darling Charming doll. I'm not sure exactly why - I think Ever After High made her skin a bit tanner than her signature doll, but also changed her eyes a little bit, such that she doesn't really look like the same person. Other than that, however, everything else about this Ever After High Dragon Games Darling Charming doll is just...well, charming.

This new Ever After High Dragon Games line will also have a movie, called, "Dragon Games," that is coming out on Netflix at some point early next year (2016). Apparently, the premise is that the actions in Way Too Wonderland have made it easier for the Evil Queen (Raven Queen's mother) to escape her prison, and she shows up at Ever After High as Mira Shards (a new student).

The Dragon Games boxes all say that to show she's changed her ways, the Evil Queen brings back the hex-treme sport, "Dragon Games." Dragon Games is a sport consisting of 3 dragonriders per team, and evidently, this team is the 3-doll lineup of Raven Queen, Darling Charming, and Holly O'Hair. (Raven Queen and Darling Charming are no-brainers, as they are tough, powerful girls, but Holly O'Hair was a bit of a surprise).

Darling Charming, as the original warrior princess at Ever After High, was MADE for this line. And her chainmail cap, chainmail necklace, and chainmail boots make no bones about her toughness and her abilities as a super-knight. I also love that Ever After High is giving these Dragon Games dolls their leggings back, as well as adding cool new accessories like vambraces (or also bracers) and armor. Still no earrings, but when you're on dragonback, I can't imagine that earrings would be very practical.

Here are the top reasons to love this new Ever After High Dragon Games Darling Charming doll:

1. Darling Charming rocks out in her armored dragonrider look.
2. Her armored headpiece is the best out of all the dolls...it fits like a cap and is the most practical.
3. Dragon Games Darling has painted details on her armor, which means you don't have to do much customization to her - she's already perfect!
4. Darling Charming's hair is curled charmingly in the front, in an homage to an almost 70s-style Farrah Fawcett type hairdo.
5. Finally, Dragon Games Darling Charming comes with a ring that could double as her shield! (Although, it's so small, it might as well be a buckler).

Tell me in the comments below what you think of the new Ever After High Dragon Games Darling Charming doll, and whether you'll be adding her to your collection!


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