Tuesday Report: Walk My Own Path 星期二特写:我行我路 EP1 - Unconventional Choices

Описание к видео Tuesday Report: Walk My Own Path 星期二特写:我行我路 EP1 - Unconventional Choices

In Singapore, most tertiary-educated youths seek white-collar jobs, but Tiffanie Sio bucked the trend and became a fishmonger. Despite criticism and family disapproval, she and her husband persevered and found success. Photographer Terrix Lin runs a crocheting shop with his girlfriend. At first, suppliers had little faith in them, but with business acumen and imagination, the critics were proved wrong.新加坡年轻人一般选择白领职业, 萧慧娴却卷起袖子在巴刹里卖鱼。尽管面对批评和家人反对,她和丈夫却坚持不懈,闯出了一片天地。专业摄影师林家伟和女友经营钩织店, 虽然商家不看好这门生意,他们在8年内教了约一万个学生。


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