Cockatiels and Kangkong Part 1

Описание к видео Cockatiels and Kangkong Part 1

This is a new cage at our place, not very big. The initial plan was that this cage was made to accommodate all the young birds at our place, so that they would find a partner they liked. The second plan is, we want to keep zebra finches with java sparrows here. But we haven't found a zebra finch the same size as the Java sparrow here. So we are still not too sure about the plan. And also the last few months here we haven't hatched many birds. And some of the chicks here were immediately adopted by people when they were around 20 or 30 days old, with the aim that the chicks would be tame later. For a while some of our cockatiels will be here. Here there are six cockatiels. Two of them are around three years old, the other four are still less than a year old or more than a year old. Most of the young cockatiels here are chicks that hatch at our place.


Kangkong is a plant that is a type of vegetable and is grown as food. According to several records, kangkong is often found in Asia. Around our place, kangkong is widely sold in markets, and here kangkong is usually used as daily food for humans. It is delicious if eaten with warm rice and sambal. Several Chinese dishes also provide kangkong on their menu. Some livestock can also eat kangkong easily here. Many people deliberately cultivate kangkong for their livestock.

Most of the cockatiels around my city really like kangkong. Maybe this is because they have been used to eating this from generation to generation. I once gave vegetables that are currently expensive in our country (but cheap in America), namely kale, red cabbage, watercress, lettuce, and several others. But the cockatiels at my place are not as enthusiastic as they are when they devour kangkong. It's been that way a few times, and it's still like that. And that is an advantage, because we can give them what they like at a low cost.


This video was recorded around the end of November 2023. The audio in this video is quite bad. Sorry about that, we couldn't fix it. By the way, have a good day at the beginning of 2024.


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