Sneaky Surveillance Tactics Used by Insurance Companies

Описание к видео Sneaky Surveillance Tactics Used by Insurance Companies

Surveillance in workers' compensation cases is nothing new. I advise all of my Georgia workers' compensation clients to be alert to the likelihood that their employer will hire a private detective to follow and videotape their activities.

More recently I have seen cases where private investigators are using new, minuaturized cameras hidden in traffic cones and tree stumps. We are seeing investigators using drones. No longer should you assume that insurance company surviellance requires a live cameraperson.

Your employer and their insurance company want to catch you engaging in activities that are inconsistent with your work restrictions. For example, if your doctor has limited you to lifting 10 lbs. or less, and the private eye hired by the insurance company videotapes you lifting your 25 lb. grandchild, they can use that videotape as evidence that you are not as hurt as you claim to be.

You have probably heard the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words" and this is especially true in workers' compensation surveillance.

Your otherwise strong case can be damaged because you were having a good day and decided to push yourself. The videotape does not, of course, show the two days you spent in bed after overdoing it.

You would be wise to always limit your activities to the lifting, carrying and standing limits set out by your doctor. You may not see the private eye, but his camera will see you. #surveillance #privateinvestigator #workerscompensationsurveillance #denyworkinjuryclaim #insurancecompanysneakytricks
===============Free Case Evaluation===============
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your Georgia workers' compensation claim, please call me at 770-351-0801 or email me at

===========Georgia Work Injury Survival Kit===========
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Jodi Brenner Ginsberg
Georgia Workers Compensation Attorney

Telephone: 770-351-0801


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