Rejection is Redirection

Описание к видео Rejection is Redirection

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I’m going to share something with you that's contrary to typical "dating advice" from the gurus who are here to convince you that you need to play games to "get his/her attention"

They will try to sell you text scripts.
They will try to sell you "strategies".
They will tell you not to come off as needy.

Want the truth? Those tactics MAY land you a date, but the caliber of person you will catch in your net with these types of strategies might not be the kind of partner you want.

Expecting communication and being forthright with your own desires, dreams, and goals is NOT needy.

Being direct from the get-go about what type of relationship you're ready for is NOT needy.

It's totally ok to give space when you're first dating and let the energy flow both ways.

But when you're not playing games, there are no set time limits between texts. There are no "read between the lines" conversations. There are no weird seductive tactics or subtle power stances.

You don't need to use strategies to get them to text or call. If they're integrated and authentic, they will text or call you when they feel like it.

It won't feel like a power trip where they only reach once every few days or weeks, fall out of communication mid-chat, frequently cancel your plans, or have all kinds of excuses.

Of course, if you start calling and texting a new person 5X a day when you first meet, you might scare them off - you'd scare ME off! Haha :) But don't fall into the "you need to trick them to keep them" trap.

You want to be able to be YOURSELF from the get-go.

To feel totally relaxed and comfortable in your skin.

To feel confident telling new people who you are, what you want, and what's important to you.

They will either align with your values and dreams, or they won't - and that's how we "prune" away the ones that aren't a match for us.

Rejection is redirection. You have permission to embody your truth when dating.

Remember - YOU are the chooser. You are not out there fighting to be "chosen". Tune into your body.

Come back to your core values.
Honor your desires.
Be authentic. 💕

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