New Year Music 1969 - Sunil Bhattacharya: The Mother's Musician

Описание к видео New Year Music 1969 - Sunil Bhattacharya: The Mother's Musician

Did you like it?

It’s very beautiful, very powerful.

Isn’t it! And it creates an atmosphere.

Usually I play some music for him, and he composes from it, but this time I didn’t play, so he took some old pieces of mine; with that he makes contact and composes.

An American musician has come here, and I sent him to Sunil (he’s a pianist). He said he’d heard some of Sunil’s music there, in America, and at first people are a bit bewildered, but that when they’ve heard it several times, they become quite enthusiastic.

As for me, I find it creates an atmosphere: it BRINGS DOWN an atmosphere.

And the human voice is quite lovely, well mingled.
Mother's Agenda 28 Dec, 1968


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