CCB#1 THIS is why you M9 Viviana - Arknights Pyrolysis LeithanienKnights 510 points

Описание к видео CCB#1 THIS is why you M9 Viviana - Arknights Pyrolysis LeithanienKnights 510 points

Pat the deer. Hold the deer. Cherish the deer. Forfeit all mortal possessions to the deer.

Okay, so I'm doing things a bit differently here. There is a LOT going on in this one, and I want to break it all down, but I just can't fit it in the character limit of a video description. I asked my subscribers about it, and was going to post it to the community tab on my channel, but that has a similar limit, and so do comments on videos. So unfortunately I've had to post it elsewhere, over on cohost:

However, apart from the more technical breakdown, there's a couple other notable things that I want to highlight.

This clear single handedly justified two of my "worst" mat/sanity management decisions I've made: getting Diamante to max pot and giving Vivi S1 an M3. Diamante's potentials here are honestly mostly DP related, and even with the texas pot sim for Eyjaberry, he still needs to be down the second I place him. Those 3600 red certs really come in clutch. Actually, I also used the red cert royal caster tokens on Eyja, so that's 6480 red certs involved in this clear, not counting those used for chip catalysts. And now I will farm for more for the royal guard tokens that will be coming for Viviana… Though speaking of Viviana, her M9 ended up being worth it. I finished her S1 masteries just before CC started, with absolutely no plans of using the skill. When I posted about it, other people asked if it was worth doing, and I told all of them not to bother with it since her S3 and S2 crowd it out of ever really getting used. And then a week later I'm using it to push the niche to the absolute limit in a CC. Whoops. 

Anyway, I'm really proud of this clear. It's my first time niching a cc (and what a cc to start with lol), and the fact that my final score was on par with or slightly above a lot of other pretty strong niches was really cool. Especially given that, literally as of today, I've only been playing the game for a year. My niche was locked out of taking a lot of tags just from not having extra units or a vanguards or anything, and I talk about this in more detail in the full breakdown, but I just wanted to highlight that the max DP down tag, the redeploy tag, and a class ban would make this a 620 on their own. Those tags aren't trivial things, and it's not a matter of "oh if I just had a vanguard I could translate this perfectly to a 620 without changing anything." But I want to highlight that when you see other niches doing clears in the 500s, they're often facing enemies that are threats that are even above what you'd see in most full roster 620s because of just how many of those points tend to need to come from enemy tags, but without having the meta options you'd take while full rostering. So if this is the first niche clear of this cc that you've watched, I highly, highly recommend searching out more. There are so many people doing amazing things that you wouldn't think would be possible. And hey, if you have been watching others, let me know about them in the comments, as I'd love to check those out too (and let me know if you've done a niche clear yourself! I'd love to see it and to hear how that went for you!)


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