Threadlifting for the face!

Описание к видео Threadlifting for the face!

Threadlift for the face

Threadlift is not a new procedure, it has been popular in Asia for many years. It gives patients the appearance of a facelift without the down time, incision and scar. Of course, it doesn’t last as long as facelift. From my experience, using absorbable threads, the effect lasts between six month to a year and many patients come annually for maintenance.


中下臉埋線拉提不是一個新的手術,在亞洲早已行之多年。 埋線可以針對想要的部位作提升,類似拉皮手術的效果。 如果同時配合玻尿酸注射、或者肉毒桿菌等等,更有加乘的效果。 但相對公平的是,埋線拉提維持效果的時間也不會有拉皮手術長。 以我的經驗大約半年到一年就會失去效果,所以常常有一些病人每年來做埋線維持效果。埋線手術沒有任何真正的切口,只有幾個小針孔,大約兩天左右就會收口。

👨‍⚕️William Lao, MD
🥇Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
🚖535 Fifth Avenue, 32 fl,New York, NY, 10017

🩺駱瑋凱 醫師
🟢微信: DrLaoOffice
📲Line: @dle8543d

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