हम भी आयुर्वेद चिकित्सक बन जाएँगे अगर…Allopathy Vs Ayurveda | Dr H P Sinha MD DM

Описание к видео हम भी आयुर्वेद चिकित्सक बन जाएँगे अगर…Allopathy Vs Ayurveda | Dr H P Sinha MD DM

Dr H P Sinha is a Senior Consultant Neurologist at NH MMI Narayana superspeciality hospital, Raipur, India. He has done his MD and DM from prestigious Postgraduate Institute of medical education and research (PGIMER), Chandigarh. The main purpose of this channel is to spread awareness about various medical conditions among people so that they can be diagnosed early and treated timely.
This video talks about an important cause of brain stroke that is CVT (cerebral venous thrombosis).
#brainstroke #drhpsinha #stroketreatment
#strokesymptoms #alcohol #alcoholabuse


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