GEOS On The Apple II (MESS)

Описание к видео GEOS On The Apple II (MESS)

Originally released in 1986 for the C64, the GEOS GUI saw an Apple II port in 1988. These GUI's were meant to make home computers easier to use while bringing new life into aging platforms. In the age of the 16-bit takeover, their were still millions of people using the 8-bit platforms like the Apple II and C64. These were the users that Berkeley Softworks would reach out to in their quest to bring the GUI to the underpowered. The Apple II could have that mouse like the Macintosh.

Their were a couple of programs released for GEOS. These programs often had the "geo" prefix applied. At the same time, despite its features, GEOS was somewhat sluggish on the Apple II, and crashed on a somewhat regular basis. However, despite these problems, GEOS brought much needed capabilities to the 8-bit micros. It was a very noble effort indeed. It would also provide the experience that Berkeley Softworks would need when creating a 16-bit version of GEOS for the PC.

GEOS had no issues loading under MESS though. I had access to the mouse. GEOS is practically unusable on a color monitor though. One needs a use (emulate) a green, white, or amber-scale monochrome monitor in order to use GEOS to its full potential.

GEOS (Wikipedia)


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