1960s Quiz. Level : HARD

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Question 1 : What did a 1964 Surgeon General's report claim is unhealthy?
Answer a: Eating Fish
Answer b: Exercising
Answer c: Jogging
Answer d: Smoking

Question 2 : In what year did Canadian electrical engineer John Hopps design and build the first pacemaker?
Answer a: 1783
Answer b: 1819
Answer c: 1896
Answer d: 1959

Question 3 : Which father and daughter had a hit in 1967 with the song "Something Stupid"?
Answer a: Dean And Deana Martin
Answer b: Frank And Nancy Sinatra
Answer c: Henry And Jane Fonda
Answer d: Johnny And Rosalind Cash

Question 4 : In March 1960, the U.S. announced that troops were going to be sent to what country?
Answer a: France
Answer b: Korea
Answer c: Kuwait
Answer d: Vietnam

Question 5 : Who killed actress Sharon Tate?
Answer a: Charles Manson's Followers
Answer b: Henry Lee Lucas
Answer c: Jeffery Dahmer
Answer d: Richard Ramirez

Question 6 : In 1964, who was the second African-American ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Answer a: Colin Powell
Answer b: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Answer c: Malcolm X
Answer d: Michael Jackson

Question 7 : Col. Muammar al-Gadaffi took power in what country in 1969?
Answer a: Congo
Answer b: Libya
Answer c: Sudan
Answer d: Syria

Question 8 : Who is the Beatles manager that was found dead in his locked bedroom in 1967?
Answer a: Brian Jones
Answer b: Brian Epstein
Answer c: Dave Clark
Answer d: Jack McVitie

Question 9 : Which historical event happened in 1962?
Answer a: John Quincy Adams Is Elected President
Answer b: Mathew Brady Photographs The U.S. Civil War
Answer c: Russia Annexes Manchuria
Answer d: Sam Walton Opens The First Wal-Mart

Question 10 : How long did it take Sonny Liston to win the Heavyweight boxing crown on 9/25/62?
Answer a: 15 Rounds
Answer b: 5 Rounds
Answer c: 8 Rounds
Answer d: Less Than 1 Round

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