Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Episode 1: All it Takes is One Bad Day...

Описание к видео Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Episode 1: All it Takes is One Bad Day...

In today's episode of the "Precursor Legacy" playthrough, we learn the game's mechanics and explore Sandover Village as we start our quest to return Daxter to his human form.

When it comes to duos in video games, Jak and Daxter have always been one of my favorites because from the first moment we see them, they've had great synergy, with Jak's down to down-to-earth, adventurous personality perfectly complimenting Daxter, who's a loudmouthed scaredy-cat with a tendency to get under people's skin, resulting in some good interactions. Plus, despite Jak being a silent protagonist in this game, the developers did a great job of showing how strong their friendship.
I mean, here Daxter is, completely scared at the idea of going to Misty Island, this gloomy area that's as dangerous as it is desolate, yet he faces his fears and accompanies Jak anyways. Heck, even after being turned into an ottsel, Daxter is always by Jak's side during their adventures even though he has every reason to stay behind. And as for Jak, when that Lurker was attacking him and Daxter, he didn't hesitate to charge it in order to protect his friend. Sure, Jak's the reason why Daxter was transformed into an ottsel- a fact that the latter never lets the former live down until the end of "Jak 3"- but you can't deny that Jak was trying to do the right thing.
Nevertheless, in order to turn Daxter back to normal, we're going to have to travel north to visit Gol, the Dark Eco Sage, but before that, we have to learn the basic controls of the game at Geyser Rock and start collecting power cells in Sandover Village and the surrounding areas.
Though considering how much better Daxter looks as an ottsel compared to his human form, even in my days as a naïve youth, I knew that he was never going to be turned back into a human.


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