Kettlebell Halos and Steel Clubs: Build Iron Shoulders Like the Great Gama!

Описание к видео Kettlebell Halos and Steel Clubs: Build Iron Shoulders Like the Great Gama!

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In this video, I discuss the kettlebell halo in more depth. The kettlebell Halo is a movement where you take the kettlebell around the back of your head in a circle. While this might seem like a strange movement, it actually has a TON of awesome benefits.

For one, the kettlebell halo is a brilliant weighted stretch for the lats and triceps. This can aid with overhead mobility, which is crucial for overhead pressing and handstands! It's also ideal for undoing some of the kyphotic posture caused by modern living.

The kettlebell halo is also perfectly suited for high rep ranges. This can be used to flood the area with blood and metabolites - not only encouraging hypertrophy, but also increasing blood supply via angiogenesis. This is particularly important for creating stronger tendons (as is the weighted stretch).

To take this to the next level, though, why not swap that kettlebell for a steel club or a macebell? The longer lever arm will make the movement more difficult, but you'll also be required to turn the trunk more during the swing. This is brilliant for creating rotational strength and stability, which translates to better throwing, punching, running, and more.


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