Xenogears - Grahf & Executioner (Boss)

Описание к видео Xenogears - Grahf & Executioner (Boss)

All kinds of awesome happens in this video. The badass Grahf returns to take you out. Executioner is a "new" person that appears to fight you with Grahf, but you find out real fast who it is near the end of the video.


Okay, so now that the whole group is back together, it's time to escape from Solaris. If you didn't watch the last video, Citan finally decides to whip out his sword to use in battles when he promised never to use it again. And let me tell you, MY GOD is he strong with it. He will naturally hit harder and be the strongest of the group now. So make full use of it.

If you've been learning Deathblows as of lately, you probably should have at least one of the final Deathblows for each character. These are elemental, but much stronger than any of the lower level ones. On top of a new sword, Citan's Deathblows are all completely different now.

Video Spoilers

A lot happens in this video. It starts out with Hammer turning traitor last second and takes Elly hostage for Krelian. Hammer has been a good guy since pretty early in the game, and a really helpful one at that, so this surprises everyone. Elly's mother saves her by calling Hammer's bluff, but Hammer shoots the mom instead, killing her.

Then Grahf and Executioner show up to stop you from leaving. When the fight ends, Elly's father then gets killed, and the executioner reveals full power while Elly fights back with her inner power. Fei can't take it anymore, and reverts into Id once again.

You don't see what happens, though that'll all be revealed in the next video. It cuts to aftewards. Many people might get confused here by seeing Krelian instead of Grahf. Krelian is NOT Grahf. Grahf already left, and Executioner reveals herself to be no other than Miang. You're probably wondering how Miang is so strong. After all, the whole game she seems to just be a subordinate of Ramsus. But you'll soon find out there's more to her than you know, if you hadn't gotten the hints already.


Fei: LV61 - Dark Armor, Dark Helm, Stamina Ring
Citan: LV60 - SengokuSword - Crimson Vest, FeatheredCap, EtherStone
Bart: LV58 - Sonic Wave - Crimson Vest, FeatheredCap, Battle Apron


This fight isn't hard at all if you take out Executioner fast. If you don't, every move it does will OKHO you. So hope you bought plenty of Zetasols. Grahf will resort to his normal move antics. He's slow as hell, though.

Spam your best Deathblows, you should have at least one of the top tier ones by now for each character you play. Either way, don't screw around too much and you'll beat this no problem. A little disappointing of a fight, but it's Grahf so it's still awesome.



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