Xenogears - Unknown Enemy? (Fights & Scenes)

Описание к видео Xenogears - Unknown Enemy? (Fights & Scenes)

One of the most epic bunch of scenes in the whole game. Plot video mostly. I'll explain what happens best I can if you're not familiar with the games plot at all.

So Fei is a character that you find out at the beginning of the game lost his memory. Super cliche, right? Well because of this, he jumps into the Gear and unintentionally destroys the village he lived at for the last few years while trying to fight off the enemies that were after the Gear. The worst part is he does not remember what happened or how he did it. Only Citan knows he's like this.

A battle shortly before this video causes Fei to go into this personality again. The game wants you to know that this mystery enemy in the video is Fei, and if you pay even the least bit of attention, it should be obvious. But no one else other than Citan knows it's Fei. What the video shows it that this personality of Fei somehow transforms the appearance of his Gear into an immensely stronger Gear that seemingly has so much power that nothing can stand in its way, and that the pilot of it has no remorse for anyone he wants to kill.

That's basically the gist of what's going on. I uploaded it because it's pretty badass, and a later fight won't make much sense if you don't see this fight. In summary, you just need to know that Fei has some strong inner power that has its own personality. Don't worry, it'll be 100% fully explained in the game...eventually...



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