Exploring No-till Farming at Phillips Family Organic Farm

Описание к видео Exploring No-till Farming at Phillips Family Organic Farm

Tillage is the process of turning up the soil to prepare it for the growing season. There is increasing research that shows that tillage can be harmful to soil organic life and releases carbon into the atmosphere. So how can farmers limit their tillage without compacting their soil? Join Hugh Phillips from Phillips Family Organic Farm of Brampton, Ontario as he shares his journey with no-till agriculture and some of the amazing results Phillips Family Organic Farm has seen due to their transition to no-till.

To learn more about Organic Climate Solutions and how to get involved with the Organic Council of Ontario go to: https://www.organiccouncil.ca/

This video is sponsored in part by Mama Earth Organics a proud partner of Philips Family Organic Farm: https://www.mamaearth.ca/

This campaign is funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF): https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-...


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