Falcon-Tech Skill Trial Video

Описание к видео Falcon-Tech Skill Trial Video

Trial 1 0:55
Description: Basic Falcon Combo. Must know it.
How to: -

Trial 2 1:16
Description: Your combo counter should reach 2.
How to: -

Trial 3 1:30
Description: Great for edgeguarding. Great Option Select as well.
How to: (On ledge) Back, X/Y, A

Trial 4 1:41
Description: Another great option for edgeguarding.
How to: -

Trial 5 2:02
Description: This option is great especially once you've conditioned your opponent to spotdodge. Also, generally safe on shield.
How to: Run, Crouch, C-stick (down/forward), hold Z

Trial 6 2:24
Description: 3 general methods listed.
How to: The most reliable method in my opinion is AAA(hold the last one)

Trial 7 2:42
Description: Use against characters recovering below you.
How to: Back, Uair/Bair, DJ, upB

Trial 8 2:53
Description: Perform on G&W
How to: SH, instantly uair

Trial 9 3:00
Description: Falcon's aerial momentum allows him to ledge cancel easier than most other characters. His big moves such as dair and knee can have undesirable landing lag, but this technique cuts all of that out.
How to: See video

Trial 10 3:52
Description: Falcon mains must know how to do this. Anything to increase your movement is useful.
How to: See Video

Trial 11 4:41
Description: The Moonwalk is useful for the applications shown. I believe the stickywalk is useful as well because it's kind of like a "cancel". ie. you might bait someone into thinking you're going to moonwalk to the ledge, but then you stickywalk to stay on stage.
How to:
This is all control stick inputs. I'll compare dial pad inputs to the inputs on the controller where 5 is neutral on your controller.
Moonwalk: ex. to go moonwalk left press 4,6,3,2,1,4(hold)
Stickywalk: to stickywalk to the right perform the above inputs and then press 1,2,3(hold)
Charlie: to Charlie to the right perform the moonwalk, and then stickywalk, and then press 3,2,1(hold)
To perform the 3rd variation: perform a moonwalk, stickywalk, charlie, and the perform the moonwalk again starting from 6.

Trial 12 5:33
Description: If you can dropzone on Yoshi's, you can do it on any stage.
How to: Run off stage, Knee, upB

Trial 13 5:42
Description: This makes your Falcon recovery much better, your opponents have to be on point to prevent you from edge canceling and regaining control of the stage.
How to:
Method 1- upB from a position such that when you hold forward or back you will edgecancel.
Method 2- upB and then position yourself above the edge of a platform. Right before you are about to land, press forward.

Trial 14 6:11
Description: Great for stalling on Yoshi's. Randall might come rescue you!
How to: Falcon kick from the side platform. Instantly walljump. Perform 4 times. Double Jump and then do 3 more and then recover.

Trial 15 6:31
Description: See video
How to: You have to instantly dair to do this correctly. I like to flick my thumb from X to down on the c-stick in one smooth motion.

Trial 16 7:06
Description: See Video
How to: This tricky part about this is knowing WHEN you can act out of your gentlemen. I recommend getting 95% consistency with you gentlemen before performing this trial.

Trial 17 7:22
Description: I am fairly certain that if done frame perfect, Falcon is fully invincible during both of these stalls. Frame perfect is hard for humans though, but obviously they both still look very invincible.
How to:
Hax ledge stall- (Instantly after grabbing the ledge), Press back, double jump forward, waveland backwards off the stage, flick the controller down to Fast Fall to the ledge.

Trial 18 7:42
Description: This is an absolute MUST LEARN for Falcon players, but doing them consistently can be very difficult. It's all practice though.
How to: (During initial dash animation) dash back and short hop at the same time. You should perform your aerial in place with no momentum.

Trial 19 7:50
Description: I also believe this is a MUST LEARN for Falcon players. It is even more difficult to do that pivot aerials though because you HAVE to stop at the turn around animation.
How to: (During initial dash animation) Lightly flick the controller in the opposite direction. You should turnaround immediately in a standing position allowing you do gentlemen.

Trial 20 8:02
Description: This allows you to instantly act out of your upB which can be extremely useful. However, recovering low is still dangerous.
How to:
On all stages- (While hugging the side of the stage) Reverse upB, but hold into the stage. Right before you are about to land onto the stage press forward.
On Yoshis- Perform the above, but don't hold forward.


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