Improving falcons wavelands for beginners

Описание к видео Improving falcons wavelands for beginners
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This video is explaining the different types of wavelands and attacks you can do via platform manipulation.

If you're looking for clarification, here's a quick recap of the material.

A perfect waveland is when your airdodge is perfectly horizontal. It gets you more speed and distance upon landing than an angled airdodge would.

If you're landing without a fastfall, you always have an opportunity for a perfect waveland. However, fastfalling has an opportunity to remove that window. The example given in the video is that a neutral jump fast fall makes the perfect waveland impossible. On the other hand, a backflip fast fall still allows for a perfect waveland. Also, on Yoshis, you must do a full hop backflip in order to waveland on the top platform.

When attempting to waveland on a platform, a full hop will get you there 1 frame faster than a double jump. However, a double jump allows you to change direction, perfect waveland, and set up aerials that land faster.

When attempting to do waveland off aerials, battlefield allows you to do any aerial during any platform transition. That means you can do both hits of nair, stomp, knee, uair, and bair before landing. If you jump on the top platform and drop through, you have access to all aerials except the second hit of your nair.

Dreamland has one restriction over battlefield. If you waveland from the top platform to the side platform, you can no longer do both hits of nair.

On yoshis there are more severe restrictions. If wavelanding from the side platform to the ground, you must be frame perfect to get both hits of nair out. Similarly, when wavelanding from the top platform to the side, you must be frame perfect in order to stomp. Lastly, in order to do fall through top platform to knee, you have to be frame perfect on your knee. This means that you can no longer do a stomp in this situation on yoshis.



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