DMCCA: Life After Royal Assent | New CMA Guidance: Sarah Long Max von Thun Lara Dimitrova Stoimenova

Описание к видео DMCCA: Life After Royal Assent | New CMA Guidance: Sarah Long Max von Thun Lara Dimitrova Stoimenova

The UK has finally adopted its long-awaited legislation establishing a new pro-competition regime for digital markets. To discuss the main features of the Digital Markets Competition and Consumers Act we organised a panel with three remarkable participants.
Lara Dimitrova Stoimenova – Managing Director of Sigma Economics (ex-Ofcom & CMA)
Sarah Long – Partner at Euclid Law Firm
Max von Thun – Director of Europe & Transatlantic Partnerships at the Open Markets Institute
Among the topics receiving attention of the speakers are the following:
✔ Open-endedness of goals: bug or feature?
✔ Comparing legislative processes in the EU (the DMA) & the UK (the DMCCA)
✔ The CMA consultation on new digital markets competition guidance
✔ Is the requirement of having so many mandatory consultations good or bad for a new regime?
✔ What potential implications should the CMA be mindful of when consulting on the new guidance bearing in mind the life of Art 102 Guidance Paper
✔ Formally, unlike the DMA, the DMCCA is not a new start but a continuation of competition policy: implications
✔ The elegance of the formula "the CMA [...] will apply this guidance flexibly and may depart from the approach described where there is an appropriate and reasonable justification for doing so"
✔ The level of judicial scrutiny and the role of judicial authorities in the new architecture.
✔ Discussing (the relationship between the) two autonomous procedures: "Conduct Requirements" & "Pro-Competition Interventions"
✔ Changes in merger control
✔ Final offer mechanism (DMCCA) vs. FRAND terms (DMA)
✔ Recommendations to students
Our next 68th episode will be released next Tuesday. We will offer an interview with Prof. Damien Gérard, Prosecutor General of the Belgian Competition Authority.
A chronological list of all 67 episodes is available in the first comment to the video.
The Digital Markets Research Hub is an independent academic initiative aiming at scrutinising the functioning of competition/regulation in digital markets. We host one-to-one interviews with leading policymakers, regulators and practitioners. We also organise online mini-workshops inviting high-profile experts and academics in various fields of digital competition law & policy to discuss the most vibrant issues of the ongoing regulatory reforms in digital markets. While having our clear normative stand on the matters discussed within the hub, we value different views and invite relevant stakeholders and thinkers representing the whole spectrum of reasonable positions on how to regulate competition in digital markets. All our materials are available at YouTube channel, which you are very welcome to subscribe to. The panel is organised & conducted by Prof. Oles Andriychuk, Newcastle University Law School, UK


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