GOD space

Описание к видео GOD space

Humans are creators. We were born to create. Creating is our prime directive on this planet. Being creative is a means for us to connect with our higher self. The creative part of who we are. Failure to act in accordance with creation leads to an unfulfilling life.

Ask of yourself the next time you turn on your DJ equipment. Do I see the gear in front of me as God space to navigate or do I perceive it as machinery that guides me? Do I step in front of my turntables with a mindset of curiosity and fun or am I just trying to keep up with the latest technique? Is my physical approach to expressing myself congruent or imbalanced?

You'll find the answers to these questions in what you hear being projected back to you from your speakers.

#GODspace #TransferTraining #Balance #Obi #BrolicArmy #WeTalkinBoutPractice


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