Coagulation of a "Beat Juggle" Pattern

Описание к видео Coagulation of a "Beat Juggle" Pattern

"...just control the record better. I'm not saying... When I say move fast I'm not saying don't... (*ahem) How can I explain this?"

You could move fast and be out of control or you can move fast and be in control. Move fast, stay in control of the record. Don't start getting erratic and you're throwin' in the snare cause I'm asking you to move fast. Move fast because you need to land the snare and then get to the kick with accurate timing but don't move fast out of just, you know, well if I just move fast it'll come out. You know what I mean? Stay at the speed that you need to. Apply... Here's what... Here's really what I'm trying to say.

When you're #beatjuggling sometimes what's required from you is explosive speed. Explosive speed is when you're moving and then for a second or two, a short amount of time, there's a burst of energy, a burst of quickness. You need to learn how to understand how to control that burst of energy, that burst of speed. It happens fast, alright? But you're still in control, OK? It's very important that you stay in control of your move.

Move as fast as it's required..."

#CoagulationOfABeatJugglePattern #WeTalkinBoutPractice #BrolicArmy


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