4k60p世界自然遺產和文化遺產,福建武夷山NHK(風景音樂紀錄片)World Natural and Cultural Heritage Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, China

Описание к видео 4k60p世界自然遺產和文化遺產,福建武夷山NHK(風景音樂紀錄片)World Natural and Cultural Heritage Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, China

武夷山是三教名山, 自秦汉以来,武夷山就为羽流禅家栖息之地,留下了不少宫观、道院和庵堂故址。武夷山还曾是儒家学者倡道讲学之地。
武夷山自然保护区,物种最丰富的生态系统 ,拥有2527种植物物种,近5000种野生动物。
武夷山是世界文化与自然双重遗产、世界生物圈保护区、全国重点文物保护单位(武夷山崖墓群)。The most beautiful stream in Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, where the hanging coffins are hidden on the cliffs of the cliffs has become a mystery for the ages. It is located at the junction of Jiangxi and northwestern Fujian provinces.
Wuyi Mountain is a famous mountain of the three religions. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, Wuyi Mountain has been the habitat of Yuliu Zen masters, leaving many temples, Taoist temples and nunneries. Wuyi Mountain was once the place where Confucian scholars advocated Taoism and gave lectures.
Wuyishan Nature Reserve, the most species-rich ecosystem, has 2,527 plant species and nearly 5,000 wild animals.
Wuyi Mountain is a world cultural and natural dual heritage, a world biosphere reserve, and a national key cultural relics protection unit (Wuyi Mountain Cliff Tombs).


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