State Anthem of Khakassia (2007–2015) “Хакас Республиказы Гимны” [Last Remake]

Описание к видео State Anthem of Khakassia (2007–2015) “Хакас Республиказы Гимны” [Last Remake]

Republic of Khakassia (Russia)

Original recording speed

•Regional Anthem of Khakassia (2007–2013/2015)

This anthem (T. Shalginova) was one of two candidates for the 2007 contest along with Tanbaev's proposal.
The anthem actually received more votes than Tanbaev's anthem, but the deputies decided not to approve it at the time and a new contest was held in 2013, in which Tanbaev's anthem won, finally being adopted in 2015.
Original Title: Моя Хакасия (My Khakassia)
Khakas: "Хакас Республиказы Гимны"
"Hakas Respublikazı Gimnı"
Russian: "Государственный гимн Хакасия"
"Gosudarstvennyy Gimn Khakasii"
English: "State Anthem of Khakassia"

Music: Татьяна Шалгинова (Tat'yana Shalginova)
Lyrics: Ольга Кривенко (Ol'ga Krivenko)
(This channel is not intended to support any ideology, government or religion).


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