Are you still having knee pain after surgery? Learn how to do a self assessment and fix it.

Описание к видео Are you still having knee pain after surgery? Learn how to do a self assessment and fix it.

Do you still have knee pain after surgery?

A common question I get is why do I still have pain after knee surgery. One of the first things I look out is whether patient has adequate range of motion. The ability to stream your knee after surgery is essential to properly function. In fact knee knee hyperextension as I described in the video is normally the goal after most surgeries. If you have a loss of the hyperextension it can result in a limp while walking, make it difficult to stand comfortable and generally affect the normal functioning of the knee. We discussed how to do a self-assessment of proper knee hyperextension in the comfort of your home. After that we discuss my top two stretches to regain your range of motion. The first one I describe is in the prop where you position your ankle in an elevated position so the back and he is not touching the floor. You can either use the way the leg to create the stretch or add ankle way to the top of the knee for 3 to 5 minutes or there is a standing stretch can do where you actively stretch your leg in standing. Both of these structures should not make your condition worse but do expect some soreness during the stretch lasting no more than three departments then five minutes after completion.


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