Tetralogy of Fallot (HD)

Описание к видео Tetralogy of Fallot (HD)

A brief discussion on Tetralogy of Fallot.
Topics Include :
- What is "Tetralogy of Fallot" ( TOF ) ?
- The 4 Cardinal Defects of TOF
- The Embryology Behind TOF
- Morphology of TOF
- Explanation of Each Defect
- Cyanotic Tetralogy
- Acyanotic Tetralogy
- Effect of Cyanotic Tetralogy on Heart
- Effect of Acyanotic Tetralogy on Heart
- Other Congenital Cyanotic Heart Diseases
- Brief Discussion on Transposition of Great Vessels
- Why VSD of Tetralogy of Fallot results in Right to Left Shunt instead of the opposite
- Clinical Features of TOF
- Blue Baby Syndrome
- Tet Spell
- How Squatting Improves Tet Spell
- Emergency Management of Tet Spell before Corrective Surgery
- Treatment of TOF and It's Complication
- Why Patient of Total Surgical Repair of TOF later needs Pulmonary Vulve Replacement in Adulthood

Hope it is helpful . - Dr. Rabiul


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