josh+donna-my konstantine

Описание к видео josh+donna-my konstantine

Please watch in 720p!

And now for something completely different.

These two are from the practically perfect TV show The West Wing, aka my latest obsession which I will probably be vidding a lot in the future. Seriously, if you've never seen it I really REALLY urge you to watch it, it's honestly the best show I've ever seen by about a million miles, and Josh/Donna is pretty much the most perfect ship I have ever sailed.

I am incapable of writing about my feelings for Josh and Donna's relationship coherently so I've poured my heart into this video. I've honestly never spent so much time re-editing and tweaking a vid before, I really wanted to get this perfect and at last I'm satisfied. Sorry for kind of crappy video and audio quality but as the show began in the late 1990s the DVD quality of the episodes wasn't that good to begin with.

I really made this for myself but I hope any WW and Josh/Donna fans out there enjoy it, and especially the awesome WW family on tumblr which I'm so happy to be part of :)


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