Pomodoro Timer 25/5 - Library Ambience | for Study, Working, Deep Focus, | Study Timer, 뽀모도로 25/5

Описание к видео Pomodoro Timer 25/5 - Library Ambience | for Study, Working, Deep Focus, | Study Timer, 뽀모도로 25/5

Good luck to those burning the midnight oil with their studies! 🫶🏻🤗🥰

Quiet Library Ambience
   • Best Quiet Library Ambience for Focus...  

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#pomodoro25 #pomodoro #study #timer #뽀모도로 #공부 #집중


I create content for both the "Winter Whale" Channel and the "Summer Bird" Channel. For the "Winter Whale" Channel, I create videos with various indoor themes. The "Summer Bird" Channel's content focuses on emotional landscapes.

Summer Bird Channel : ‪@summer_bird‬


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