How To Keep Glasses From FOGGING While Wearing A Face Mask

Описание к видео How To Keep Glasses From FOGGING While Wearing A Face Mask

Learn how to keep glasses from fogging while wearing a face mask! - UPDATE!! The #1 anti fog Hack    • The BEST Anti Fog Secret for FOGGY GL...  

Learn how to prevent glasses from fogging up with these cool life hacks. In this video, Joseph J. Allen, OD FAAO from Doctor Eye Health reviews his experience with glasses fogging up and shares his favorite way of how to wear a mask without fogging your glasses. If you are struggling with wearing a face mask during the coronavirus because of fogging glasses, this video is for you.

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-Doctor Eye Health (Joseph Allen, OD, FAAO)

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How to keep glasses from fogging when wearing a face mask

1. (works some of the times) Folding a piece of tissue paper and putting that under the nose bridge of your face mask or surgical mask. This will slow down hot air from rising up to the glasses.

2. (works better in my opinion) Using surgical tape along the top of the face mask or n95 mask to create a seal so the hot air of your breath goes out the sides or the front of the mask.
** Sometimes the glasses fog a little but only a small amount and rarely remains longer than 1 second.

UPDATE: Just recently tried this Fog Stopper solution and IT WORKS!

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