Iran made Coastal Radar System range 250 Km dubbed Afagh رادار ساحلي آفاق ساخت ايران

Описание к видео Iran made Coastal Radar System range 250 Km dubbed Afagh رادار ساحلي آفاق ساخت ايران

October 30, 2017 (Persian calendar 1396/8/8)

Iran unveiled a state-of-the-art radar system designed and manufactured by the country’s military experts.

The advanced radar system named “Afaq” (horizons آفاق) was put on display during a ceremony on Monday with Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami سرتيپ امير حاتمي in attendance.

Speaking at the ceremony, Brigadier General Hatami hailed the production of the radar system and said it was developed thanks to the endeavors of domestic experts at the Defense Ministry.

He also said the radar is capable of monitoring and tracking vessels at a distance of up to 250 kilometers (155 miles), adding that it can also track aerial targets and reconnoiter airborne targets as well.

The system has remarkable electronic warfare technological capabilities and could monitor and track as many as 100 mobile targets simultaneously, the Iranian defense chief said.

Iran says its military doctrine is one of deterrence and would only be used in combat if the country is attacked.

Iran made Coastal Radar System range 250 Km dubbed Afagh
رادار ساحلي آفاق ساخت ايران


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