Learning Beyond Facts | Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, and More

Описание к видео Learning Beyond Facts | Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, and More

After many years in school, it's easy to get the impression that learning is mostly about facts. But there's a whole diverse world of different kinds of knowledge out there. Let's explore it!

00:00 Introduction
00:17 The fact
1:11 The look-up table
2:12 Conceptual knowledge - how is a concept different than a fact?
3:30 How we learn concepts
4:12 The benefits of concepts
5:18 Procedural knowledge and skill
5:43 The difference between conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge
6:27 Unbalanced knowledge
7:30 Bare association
8:18 The ability to recognize something
8:54 I shouldn't talk about this one

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On the interaction of procedural and conceptual knowledge, see:

Rittle-Johnson, B., Schneider, M., & Star, J. R. (2015). Not a one-way street: Bidirectional relations between procedural and conceptual knowledge of mathematics. Educational Psychology Review, 27(4), 587-597. https://www.uni-trier.de/fileadmin/fb... (Math)

Schauble, L. (1996). The development of scientific reasoning in knowledge-rich contexts. Developmental Psychology, 32(1), 102. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/... (Science)

For a more complicated, great take on knowledge in problem solving, see:

De Jong, T., & Ferguson-Hessler, M. G. (1996). Types and qualities of knowledge. Educational psychologist, 31(2), 105-113. https://ris.utwente.nl/ws/files/64015...

For the difference between varieties of recall and recognition, see:

Richardson-Klavehn, A., & Bjork, R. A. (1988). Measures of memory. Annual review of psychology, 39(1), 475-543. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/...


The gravity demonstration comes from this video:    • Gravity Visualized  .

However, there are plenty of good arguments as to why this isn't a terribly helpful analogy: http://newsletter.oapt.ca/files/gener...


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