Mobian on the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen

Описание к видео Mobian on the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen

You know Mobian, but did you know that it can also run on the Purism Librem 5?
In this video I demo Mobian on the Librem 5, based on the mobian-librem5-phosh-20210319.img nightly image.
The procedure of flashing Mobian to the Librem 5 is described on[]=librem5, the specific flash command I used was `./scripts/flash-image --board librem5r4 --dir mobian`.

Mobian Wiki
Purism Fund Your App

Also check out my blog ( and the App List (!

Disclosure: I am a co-host on the bi-weekly PineTalk Podcast (, a PINE64 community podcast. This is pro-bono community work and I try my best to make sure that this work does not affect my view on the PINE64 products or competing Linux Phones in any way.


00:00 Introduction
01:22 PineTalk disclosure
02:10 First run wizard and troubleshooting
05:22 A look at the installed apps
12:33 Firefox performance comparison
13:25 Upgrading the system
13:29 uname -r and WiFi troubles
15:01 Testing incoming calls
15:38 Conclusions
17:53 One more thing: Cawbird (Twitter client)


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