King of Swords in 4 Minutes

Описание к видео King of Swords in 4 Minutes

King of Swords Upright: Intellect in action. A powerful mind with tremendous clarity. Can be swift and even ruthless when dishonesty or illogical reasoning is detected. A lawyer, official, writer, diplomat, or scientist. Projects, defends, sharp, quick, analytical, piercing. Doesn’t suffer fools gladly but does protect the weak or those in need. Laser-focused on a goal, moves with clarity and insight. Unswayed by emotional appeals. Responds best to intellectual/logical proposals. Wise counsel offered.
King of Swords Upright Best Course of Action: Be analytical, logical, and unemotional. Stick up for what you know is right, proper and reasonable. Do not be swayed by emotional appeals. Be consciously just and right. May be a call to law down the law. Mental discipline. Give thoughtful counsel or accept it.
King of Swords Reversed: Strength used for power or dominance. Strictness with no compassion for human weakness. Using logic to hurt, cut, or manipulate. Harshness. Can indicate a bully. This can indicate an unfair judgement, ruling or grade.
King of Swords Reversed Best Course: Lay down your sword and withdraw. Stop judging others or yourself so harshly. Stay still. Withhold your judgement so others can make their own decisions/mistakes. Do not engage with this person at this time or strategically disengage.


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