Seven of Swords in 3 Minutes

Описание к видео Seven of Swords in 3 Minutes

Seven of Swords: The sneak. The liar. Avoiding confrontation, lying, misleading. Keeping your thoughts to yourself, even if that might harm another. Trying to control a situation through manipulation. Not being honest, especially about one’s intentions. Plans not working out, a campaign not working, bad strategies. Keeping a secret. Acting alone, especially if it is without required permission.
Seven of Swords Best Course of Action: You may be in a situation which you may have to lie or be dishonest in order to protect yourself or another. Manipulation may be the only way to achieve a higher aim. Do not tip your hand or share what you know as if you do, it will be misunderstood or used to hurt you or another. This may just indicate there is no way to win on your present course.
Seven of Swords Reversed: Opening up, being more honest about intentions. Seeking advice or offering advice. Returning to a more straightforward practice. Understanding the reasons behind a recent loss or failure. Unburdening of a secret.
Seven of Swords Reversed Best Course of Action: Open up about what you think. Be honest. Accept advice or offer advice. Unburden yourself of a secret to a trusted advisor or friend. Stop lying or hiding. Generally, adopt a more straightforward approach.


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