03L – Parameter sharing: recurrent and convolutional nets

Описание к видео 03L – Parameter sharing: recurrent and convolutional nets

Course website: http://bit.ly/DLSP21-web
Playlist: http://bit.ly/DLSP21-YouTube
Speaker: Yann LeCun

00:00:00 – Welcome to class
00:00:49 – Hypernetworks
00:02:24 – Shared weights
00:06:10 – Parameter sharing ⇒ adding the gradients
00:09:33 – Max and sum reductions
00:11:46 – Recurrent nets
00:14:20 – Unrolling in time
00:16:17 – Vanishing and exploding gradients
00:19:48 – Math on the whiteboard
00:23:18 – RNN tricks
00:24:29 – RNN for differential equations
00:27:18 – GRU
00:28:23 – What is a memory
00:41:26 – LSTM – Long Short-Term Memory net
00:43:11 – Multilayer LSTM
00:46:01 – Attention for sequence to sequence mapping
00:48:41 – Convolutional nets
00:50:50 – Detecting motifs in images
00:56:57 – Convolution definition(s)
00:59:43 – Backprop through convolutions
01:03:42 – Stride and skip: subsampling and convolution “à trous”
01:06:56 – Convolutional net architecture
01:19:08 – Multiple convolutions
01:20:37 – Vintage ConvNets
01:32:32 – How does the brain interpret images?
01:37:18 – Hubel & Wiesel's model of the visual cortex
01:42:51 – Invariance and equivariance of ConvNets
01:49:23 – In the next episode…
01:52:54 – Training time, iteration cycle, and historical remarks


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