香港!美食一日遊!食足一日!茶餐廳美食!最正宗!海防道熟食中心!紅磡冰室!富豪雪糕!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!4K!十分滿意!一試難忘!酒店價格!最新樓價!Canton Food Tour|HONGKONG

Описание к видео 香港!美食一日遊!食足一日!茶餐廳美食!最正宗!海防道熟食中心!紅磡冰室!富豪雪糕!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!4K!十分滿意!一試難忘!酒店價格!最新樓價!Canton Food Tour|HONGKONG

   / @huntingarcher  

#香港 #美食 #旅遊


海防道臨時街市(英語:Haiphong Road Temporary Market)位於香港九龍尖沙咀海防道390號,為香港現有四個臨時街市之一。 舊街市於1978年啟用(46年前),為安置北京道及廣東道交界擺檔的小販及九龍街市的小販而設。 臨時街市熟食檔範圍到2018年11月30日起暫時關閉並清拆重建,翻新工程長達14個月,2020年10月重開(4年前)租戶分為熟食及濕貨兩部分。 熟食檔設9檔,以大牌檔形式經營。 主要包括以秘製炸豬扒馳名的「華香園」、經營近60年的「仁利粥品」、德發牛丸及茶檔合香園等。 深受附近上班族的歡迎,被譽為平民味道集中地。
而濕貨部分多以印巴籍人士開設的菜色及清真肉檔為主,稱為全港最集中的清真肉品市場。 其餘四檔為本地人經營的鮮花及蔬果檔。
上水(英文:Sheung Shui)位於香港新界北區西部,是香港最北面的新市鎮,也是粉嶺/上水新市鎮的一部分。 上水一帶原為農田,於1980年代起發展為現代化新市鎮,區內住宅和商業區以石湖墟和港鐵上水站一帶的市中心發展,是上水人口最密集的地區,也是 北區的主要商業經濟中心,昔日的農地現只可在市中心北部,西南部等村莊找到。
上水因靠近中國大陸邊境,為中國大陸居民進入香港的首站,加上自由行開放後,區內不論假日均有大量來自深圳一帶的自由行旅客和水貨客在區內消費和從事水貨活動 ,使到區內人流和商業活動增加,為區內居民正常生活造成滋擾,上水的區內民生店鋪和小店都變成了藥房,而政府亦無積極解決居民需要,因此曾觸發多 次示威而表達不滿惟2019冠狀病毒病流行期間,靠近上水的兩個陸路口岸羅湖管制站及落馬洲支線管制站自2020年至2023年初持續關閉,導致跨境旅客大減,上水持續多年 跨國旅客造訪購物的熱鬧場景不再,又回到昔日一簽多行政策推行前較為寧靜的社區。
Haiphong Road Temporary Market (English: Haiphong Road Temporary Market) is located at 390 Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. It is one of the four existing temporary markets in Hong Kong. The old market was opened in 1978 (46 years ago) and was designed to accommodate hawkers setting up stalls at the junction of Peking Road and Canton Road and hawkers from the Kowloon Market. The temporary market cooked food stall area will be temporarily closed and demolished and rebuilt starting from November 30, 2018. The renovation project lasted 14 months. It will reopen in October 2020 (4 years ago). The tenants are divided into cooked food and wet goods. The cooked food stall has 9 stalls and is operated in the form of a big pai stall. Mainly include "Hua Xiangyuan" which is famous for its secret fried pork chop, "Renli Porridge" which has been operating for nearly 60 years, Defa beef balls and tea stall Hexiangyuan, etc. It is very popular among office workers nearby and is known as a place where civilian tastes are concentrated.
The wet goods section mostly consists of vegetable stalls and halal meat stalls opened by Indians and Pakistanis. It is known as the most concentrated halal meat market in Hong Kong. The remaining four stalls are flower, vegetable and fruit stalls run by locals.
Sheung Shui (English: Sheung Shui) is located in the western part of the North District of the New Territories of Hong Kong. It is the northernmost new town in Hong Kong and part of the Fanling/Sheung Shui New Town. The area around Sheung Shui was originally farmland and developed into a modern new town in the 1980s. The residential and commercial areas in the area were developed in the city center around Shek Wu Hui and the MTR Sheung Shui Station. It is the most densely populated area in Sheung Shui and is also The main commercial and economic center of the North District, the former farmland can now only be found in villages north and southwest of the city center.
As Sheung Shui is close to the border with mainland China, it is the first stop for mainland Chinese residents to enter Hong Kong. After the opening of independent travel, there are a large number of independent travelers and parallel traders from Shenzhen and other areas in the area regardless of holidays, spending money and engaging in parallel trading activities in the area. , which has increased the flow of people and commercial activities in the area, causing nuisance to the normal life of residents in the area. The livelihood shops and small shops in Sheung Shui have been turned into pharmacies, and the government has not actively addressed the needs of residents, which has triggered many However, during the COVID-19 epidemic, the two land ports near Sheung Shui, Lo Wu Control Point and Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point, continued to be closed from 2020 to early 2023, resulting in a significant reduction in cross-border tourists. Sheung Shui continued for many years The lively scenes of cross-border tourists visiting and shopping are no longer there, and they have returned to the quieter communities before the implementation of the one-visa-multiple-entry policy.


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00:00 Intro
00:33 出發香港/深圳福民地鐵站/落馬洲口岸/過關非常方便
02:33 兩小時抵達香港/尖東港鐵站/尖沙咀港鐵站
05:57 海防道臨時街市/合香園/正宗港式早餐
13:33 附近酒店價格/附近樓價
18:05 漢口道偶遇富豪雪糕車
22:09 蘭芳園門口大排長龍/遊客最愛
25:21 上水廣場/正宗港式下午茶/CP值極高
41:10 爭鮮壽司外帶回深圳
44:00 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #food tourism #food tour china #香港 #美食 #旅遊 #紅磡 #雪糕 #4K #樓價 #HONGKONG #茶餐廳 #尖沙咀 #九龍 #上水 #凍奶茶 #凍咖啡 #西多士 #壽司 #港鐵 #早餐 #下午茶 #旅遊攻略 #美食推薦 #香港美食 #food tour vlog #hong kong vlog #hong kong food #vlog study #vlog china


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