The Book of Judges: A Quick Overview [Whiteboard Bible Study]

Описание к видео The Book of Judges: A Quick Overview [Whiteboard Bible Study]

The book of Judges tells a story of the ancient Israelites' early relationship with their land, their deity, and the surrounding nations. Biblical figures like Samson and Gideon are found here, as well as allusions to the forthcoming King David. However, this story doesn't have a very happy ending.

For more information about the structure of the book of Judges, check out the write-up on my website:

I used Logos Bible Software for the research that went into this video. If you think you might want to use a tool like this, check out my review here:

And of course, if you'd like to read by ebook on how all the books of the Bible fit together, you can check it out here:


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