The Kwisatz Haderach (Suite) | Dune (Soundtrack) by Hans Zimmer

Описание к видео The Kwisatz Haderach (Suite) | Dune (Soundtrack) by Hans Zimmer

According to the Bene Gesserit, the Kwisatz Haderach is a being who holds incredible mental powers as well as the ability to see the future and gain knowledge of events to come. Also called as “The Shortening of the Way”, the Kwisatz Haderach is a sort of messianich figure, someone awaited for centuries who can change and influence the course of history – and said person is revealed to be Paul Atreides himself.
Rather than being musically accurate, this suite aims to be more thematically relevant, as it puts together and convey various elements related to Paul's figure and overall journey – it starts by recalling the awakening of the Kwisatz Haderach in the Gom Jabbar scene, to present the enchanting vibes that are associated to his coming and abilities, and moves to the dreadfull and ominous tones related to the terrifying visions that appear in Paul's mind about a future Holy War. So, I collected those parts of the score that were filled with a “religious” and “prophetic” vibe, which could feel either gorgeous and divine or ominous and menacing.

00:00 Song of the Sisters + Dreams are Messages from the Deep
00:07 I See You in My Dreams
00:38 Gom Jabbar
00:47 Gom Jabbar + Song of the Sisters (drums)
01:44 Gom Jabbar
02:24 I See You in My Dreams
07:53 Stillsuits
09:15 Visions of Chani
10:00 Stillsuits
10:55 Visions of Chani
11:05 Visions of Chani + Sanctuary
11:26 Sanctuary
12:38 Blood for Blood
13:45 The Shortening of the Way
16:09 Holy War
17:41 The Shortening of the Way
19:43 Holy War

#Dune #HansZimmer


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