Wario Land 4 Parallel World- Golden Passage Score Run (13670 + Final Boss & Ending)

Описание к видео Wario Land 4 Parallel World- Golden Passage Score Run (13670 + Final Boss & Ending)

So, the final passage here is short and sweet, with straightforward challenges and enough well-hidden gems to make getting the gold crown here difficult (that's a 10000 point requirement, if you're wondering.) There are literally no health refills, so it's impossible to get to maximum health on Hard Mode for that sweet bonus. After that, it's the Golden Diva again with more tiny changes (the hammer despawns faster so you can't combo her with it, and the lips can charge to hurt you) and the end of the game as normal!

Thus Wario Land 4 Parallel World comes to a close. Is it as good as the original? Not always, no. But in many cases it's right there alongside it. And for a game like Wario Land 4, which is on my short list of favorites, that's not a bad showing at all. More than anything, I had a very good time with it- I believe this score run constituted my third, fourth, and FIFTH playthroughs of the game thanks to the number of times I re-recorded stages, and it hasn't worn out its welcome one bit. On the contrary, it was more fun each time I went back to it. And if that's not the sign of a great success, what is?


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