
Описание к видео 箏・尺八二重奏曲『壱越(Ichikotsu)』(作曲:山本邦山)

箏:日吉章吾(Shogo Hiyoshi)/生田流箏曲正絃社師範
尺八:寄田真見乃(Mamino Yorita)/琴古流大師範

十二律のそれぞれの音律名は、中国と日本では異なります。さらに日本では、中国のように時代が変わるたびに音律の実音を規定することがなかったため、日本の十二律の各音は種目や時代、演奏者によって音高が異なります。特に、実際の旋律に半音程として現れる場合はかなりの違いがあり、これは、音高が不安定であるというのではなく、本来そうした性格のものだということです。 (参考:日本三曲協会)



※令和2年度 文化庁 文化芸術活動の継続支援事業採択[(株)トイ/(株)リリス]

◇箏曲演奏家 日吉章吾オフィシャルサイト

“Ichikotsu,” duet for koto and shakuhachi (composed by Hozan Yamamoto)

Ichikotsu is the first note of the Japanese twelve pitch scale. The
first note used in tuning an instrument is called the standard note,
and a scale having ichikotsu as the tonic is called ichikotsucho.

The names of the individual notes of the twelve pitch scale differ in
China and Japan. Furthermore, unlike China where the actual notes of
the scale were defined from time to time, the pitch of the notes of
the Japanese twelve pitch scale differ depending on the genre of
music, time period and even performers. Particularly, there are
significant variances when semitones appear in an actual melody, but
this does not mean that high notes are unstable; but rather, such is
their inherent nature. (Source: the Japan Sankyoku Association)

This “Ichikotsu” is a duet for koto and shakuhachi, but relatively
speaking, the shakuhachi is the lead instrument and the koto is the
accompaniment. The piece is divided into three short movements, fast –
slow – fast. *In this performance, the second (slow) movement is

(1) The piece starts with a quiet rising melody repeated on the koto,
and after arpeggios up and down the scale accompanied by pizzicatos on
the left hand, the shakuhachi joins with a flowing melody rich in

(2) The second movement starts with a powerful free beat solo by the
shakuhachi. Soon after muraiki (breathy sound technique) appears, the
koto joins quietly. The shakuhachi repeats muraiki, but subsequently
trails off quietly, ending the movement.

(3) The third movement starts with the shakuhachi in lively triple
time. Even after changing into quadruple time, the shakuhachi
continues to proceed dynamically and rhythmically. After a short quiet
solo by the koto, the powerful shakuhachi melody reappears, and the
piece ends with a recapitulation of the very first melody of the

◇Official Web Site: Shogo Hiyoshi

◇ユニバーサルデザイン・スマホ天体望遠鏡「PalPANDA シリーズ」公式サイト


◇開発:光と色彩の能力テスト「TOCOL(TOCOL Lab.)」


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