Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - 1

Описание к видео Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - 1

Hello! Yes, I am playing a game like this! I decided that I would like it after very passively watching a stream of it! While I didn't pay attention to details, I think I have decided how I want to play the game... Which I will explain...

I play games being fully immersed in them. I think of myself as in the actual universe, as if it were real life. I think about how I would truly approach situations.

In real life, my favorite element is water, so Ice would be my primary element. I would excel in magic and favor Darkness, experimenting with it and fulfilling my curiosity. Electricity would be the last element I would be interested in. As a scientist whose interest is Electricity and Magnetism, I would have a special affinity for it and be a natural prodigy with it.

My ideal usage of the elements would be Elec→Dark→Ice. However, when I consider it realistically... Water is my favorite element and is the most versatile, so I would use it the most. I would dabble and experiment with Dark to a great degree, mostly for fun. This means that Elec would be my least used, even though I would have a natural affinity for it. Therefore, my priority will be Ice→Dark→Elec in terms of combat.

Due to my natural affinity for Electricity, I would drain it. While I would use Ice the most, I get cold easily and the best I would hope to do is resist it. My tinkering with Dark would probably result in nullifying it as a whole. I do not tolerate heat very well, so I would be weak to Fire... Over time, I would master the elements. My Ice resistance would be constant, as would my absorption of Elec. I would become so familiar to Dark as to drain it, but I would also be wary of it. As a result, I would reflect it. Being so familiar with Dark would probably result in me resisting Light. However, Elec is somewhat related to Light, being its source. It would be just enough to nudge me up to reflecting it, while also nudging me down from draining Dark.

So, the resistances for most part are Resist Ice, Drain Elec, Null Dark, Weak Fire. Much later I would Res Ice, Drain Elec, Ref Dark, Ref Light, Weak Fire. I think these are just right for me.

The priority for affinities(skill potentials) are Ice, Elec, Dark, which means I will level them up weighted as such. The maximum increase is +9... Ice will be the first to reach it.

In terms of stats, I have always been defensive. I am not physically strong but am rather swift. This means that the stats I will prioritize are Vitality, Agility, and Magic. Magic(attack) will be my lowest of the three. This is quite appropriate for how I have always been...

There are eight skill slots... My ideal would be having an Ice, Dark, and Elec attack and using boosts to up their power. While Offense will be my lowest quality, I can be smart and buff it out with boosts which suits me perfectly! The other slots would be for defensive/agility boosts. Though, only two defensive boosts feel too low for me... A more realistic approach I would take is having Ice and Dark attacks and boosting them. Finally having four slots available for defensive/agility boosts. I have seen some boosts from watching gameplay and I believe I know what kind of boosts I want... Due to my magic experimentation and affinity for it, I would most certainly have a Mana boost. I also would want a health boost(defensive). My favorite defensive is Enduring Soul and the final slot I would have toward another defensive/support, perhaps a weakness cover. Depending on the situation, I would swap out Dark(preferably) for Elec; this goes perfectly with the special affinity I have for it: I would use it in situations where it would be stronger than Dark or Ice. This is almost the most efficient way to go for how I want to play. As I master the elements, I believe the most efficient way is to have Boosted Ice and Dark with base Elec. This leaves three slots for Defensives. Mana boost would be an absolute. I may not have a health boost, instead favoring Enduring Soul. I am not sure what the last one will be. maybe a weakness cover... Though I am sure I will find something concrete. This would be just right for the defensive style I have.

Now Finally, for the team setup...

I would an offensive Tank; in truth, I actually function better as a support for my playstyle. I want a support Tank (more defensive than me) and an offensive support(More offensive than me). I am not sure what the fourth member will do... Though I think they might be another offensive support with different types of skills...

I will not deviate from these "parameters" unless absolutely necessary, such as an opponent which nulls and resists all of my attack skills.

And with that... Let's discover the world...


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