영국문화원 IELTS Prize 2022 국내 수상자 인터뷰 (이수현)

Описание к видео 영국문화원 IELTS Prize 2022 국내 수상자 인터뷰 (이수현)

#영국문화원 #IELTSprize #장학생인터뷰

2022년도 영국문화원 IELTS Prize 국내 장학생으로 선발된 이수현님 축하드립니다! 사람의 마음을 치유할 수 있는 예술을 하고 싶어 순수미술을 전공으로 선택한 수현님의 첫 걸음을 응원합니다.

◇ 나도 영국문화원 IELTS 장학생이 되고 싶다면? ◇
장학금 홈페이지를 통해 자격 요건을 확인해보세요! https://www.ieltsasia.org/ieltsprize

Congratulations to Soo Hyun, the Local Grand Prize the winner from Korea this year! Hear from Soo Hyun about how winning the IELTS Prize helped in pursuing her dream university and course.

◇ About the British Council IELTS Prize in East Asia ◇
The British Council IELTS Prize in East Asia is awarded to high-calibre individuals with the motivation to develop their career, to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in any chosen discipline around the world. While the IELTS Prize is not set for students in any particular discipline, the British Council is eager to support test takers who demonstrate the potential to contribute to society with what they have gained from their undergraduate or postgraduate study experience.

For more details about the IELTS Prize, please visit: https://www.ieltsasia.org/ieltsprize


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