UCAT - How to beat the UCAT

Описание к видео UCAT - How to beat the UCAT

The UCAT is a very hard test it’s best to start practising early, it involves: situational judgement, decision making, abstract reasoning, verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning. Each one is challenging in its own way but the main thing you have to learn to manage is stress. I struggled with this but I got in, I want to use my experience to help you.

generally ukcat strategies are about repetition especially AR

it's best to start work early to ace the ukcat,

the question how to get into medical school? answer: 50%ukcat %interview in most cases. ive talked to a medic, a doctor and other students and i believe i have a complete guide to help you achieve your full potential, by no means is the ukcat fair or fun but it's maybe your last real hurdle between you and your dream of been a doctor or dentist. I can help you for free.

learn from my mistakes and adapt my strengths to your own or you could end up needing to take the ukcat again like i did. i will help you beat the new ukcat.

if you have any extra advice feel free to comment below #merlinmedia #merlin #merlinreview


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