I don’t want everyone to become a vegan anymore. | Nikoleta Kováčová | TEDxUniverzitaKomenského

Описание к видео I don’t want everyone to become a vegan anymore. | Nikoleta Kováčová | TEDxUniverzitaKomenského

It is impossible to live without meat. At least that’s what Nikola thought for a long time. Everything changed after her arrival to India. In few weeks she became a vegan. Why? At first only for her own comfort. Then she learned more about animal husbandry and its drastic and negative impact on our planet. Ever since then she has never put a piece of meat on her plate. She wished the rest of the world would come to the same decision. Today, after 6 years, she still doesn’t want everyone to become a vegan. What has changed for Nikola? Why does she focus on movement called “reducetarianism” now? Nikoleta Kováčová comes from Peištany. Currently she lives in Prague, where she works for a digital company as a photographer and creative director. For the past 6 year she has been an active blogger on her website dcerka.sk. You might know her as Surová dcérka (Raw Daughter). Her main topic is veganism. Her journey has started with raw food (that’s why the epithet “surová” – raw). She has been vegan since October 2013. Her blog contains topics such as ethical veganism, vegan recipes or non-tested cosmetics. Right now, she is about to publish the first Slovak vegan cook book “Slovegán”. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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