足の匂いは気になりましゅ!! Hamsters love the smell of feet!!

Описание к видео 足の匂いは気になりましゅ!! Hamsters love the smell of feet!!


Hamuko is completely free and left alone, so she is basically always wandering around the house by herself. The fever time for meals is about 30 minutes a day, so the rest of the time I leave it completely alone. It's difficult to photograph, but I'm exploring not only the living room, but also the entryway and each room, like the old sleeping area in the closet. However, after a certain period of time, they return to the main house and seem to be living a regular life (to a certain extent). (by google)

#匂い #好き #元気 #可愛い #ペット #ハムスター
#smell #play #cute #pretty #hamster


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