
Описание к видео Hike

Visit Date: 1/30/22.

Hiking Marshall Canyon: San Gabriel Valley, La Verne, CA.

Every now and then, I enjoy going back to my hiking roots to revisit locations of early hiking adventures. My first visit to Marshall Canyon was about 25 years ago. It is a comforting feeling to go back again from time to time to relive the feelings of exploration that began to sprout at a younger age. It is also a blessing that the area had not been burned over the years, thus retaining the visual familiarity every time. So whenever feeling low or in need of a recharge, a good "friend" is always nearby to assist me with my hiking needs. This was a good day for a re-visit!

"Marcello Multilingual" via Clipchamp

"Morning Mandolin" - Chris Haugen

"Red Hot Son" - JR Tundra

"On Our Side" - Silent Partner


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