WoW Arena Keybinding Guide - 3v3 Key Binding and Macros for Beginners

Описание к видео WoW Arena Keybinding Guide - 3v3 Key Binding and Macros for Beginners

Keybinding and macros are super important for climbing rating in WoW arena. This WoW 3v3 arena keybinding guide walks you through how to set up targeting keybinds, ability keybinds, shift modifier macros and targeting macros like the top WoW arena players do. I play as a 3v3 healer and this video is geared towards that perspective, but this WoW arena keybinding info can also be applied to a DPS player or 2s.

WoW 3s arena is fast-paced, and there's no time to be clicking to switch targets. Keybind your target swapping to your mousewheel for fast switching. The reason I use macros for my target party1 and target party2 rather than the keybinding menu (like you see for focus targets) is to prevent mousewheel from scrolling to target any pets on my team. I have those three macros (target party2, target party2, target player) in a corner on a bar, then I used the Bartender4 addon to quickly keybind them to my mousewheel. If you are writing target macros and wish to direct a spell at an enemy player in arena, the terms is arena1, arena2 and arena3.

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