Innoware Benefits of ERP implementation: success story of an international distributing company

Описание к видео Innoware Benefits of ERP implementation: success story of an international distributing company

In this video Dmytro Popinako, Managing Partner of Innoware tells the story about implementation of ERP system in Elcore Group.

Successful cooperation between the companies has lasted for more than five years. During this period, Innoware specialists performed several projects. At the beginning of 2016 at the implementation of the ERP system Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, at the next stage Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales CRM system was implemented, where the sales activities and customer service management is done.
The Elcore Group has successfully operating offices located in Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine, and other countries. The distributor offers to the customers a unique combination of quality product, effective warranty and post-warranty service, and qualified technical support.
Today, Elcore Group actively continues its business development, as well as integrates all its business processes into a single high-tech environment, complementing it with the new Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions.


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