Snake's Revenge - Rental Regrets

Описание к видео Snake's Revenge - Rental Regrets

Higharolla Kockamamie (yes, that's what Konami thought passed for a boss name...), leader of the militarized Middle-Eastern nation Teristan, has acquired plans to Metal Gear, the dreaded bi-pedal weapons platform that can launch a nuke from any terrain. With Colonel CaTaffy (no, not Big Boss) defeated in combat, Solid Snake must assemble a new team of FOXHOUND operatives to infiltrate Fortress Fanatic (look, I didn't name any of these things...), find and recover the plans for Metal Gear, and destroy any tanks they may have built using the plans.

As usual, the majority of your weapons and equipment will be OSP. The enemy will be patrolling for you in strength, so getting to the first enemy compound will be impossible. In short, you're f$%*ed.

Good luck, Snake!

"...wait, what do you mean I'm f$%*ed?!"

This episode of Rental Regrets was recorded on June 19, 2024.


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