/ @huntingarcher
#中山 #趕集 #旅遊
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/zMVWY21i5UCGx...
餐廳消費:二人消費 ¥68元
南區位於中山市中部,與中山市的東區、石岐區、沙溪鎮、大涌鎮、板芙鎮、五桂山區相鄰。 面積48平方公里。 南區2008年的國內生產額(GDP)為25.7億元。 於1997年由環城區更名為南區。
茶樓,是一種粵式餐廳,起源於廣州。 茶樓主要是飲茶和吃點心的地方,並不會有其他菜式供應。 茶樓早於清朝之前就已存在。 現存的著名茶樓有榮華樓、陶陶居、蓮香樓和澳門提督街市旁的龍華茶樓。
廣州清光緒中期始有茶居,至清末民初,佛山七堡鄉(石灣地區)人來廣州開設樓高三層的茶居,始稱茶樓。 粵人上茶樓飲茶,就此稱為上高樓。
西關的茶樓堪稱廣府茶樓的典型及模範。 廣州附近四鄉乃至香港、澳門的茶樓均以西關茶樓為榜樣,迄今香港的一些老牌茶樓仍保留有西關茶樓的影子。
清末,西關茶樓的格局並不像今天所見的兩三層樓式,而是青磚石腳,宛如西關大屋模樣,大門也有木門與腳門,內有天井與廂房,能容納客人數量有限。 在光緒年間著名的茶樓有十一甫的頤苑、第二甫的榮珍居、第三甫的永安居和第五甫的五柳居等,均在抗日戰爭前湮沒。
1920年代,西關新興起一些新式的茶樓,多為二層甚至三四層的“洋樓”,內部為“竹筒屋”式,即縱向深入,有的還有天井(如陶陶居), 臨街的一面窗用滿洲窗,通爽明亮,座位有卡座及廂房,雅潔舒適。
The Southern District is located in the central part of Zhongshan City, adjacent to the East District, Shiqi District, Shaxi Town, Dayong Town, Banfu Town, and Wuguishan District of Zhongshan City. Area is 48 square kilometers. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the Southern District in 2008 was 2.57 billion yuan. In 1997, it was renamed from Huancheng District to Southern District.
South District Sub-district has jurisdiction over the following areas:
Huancheng Community, Chengnan Community, Hengmei Community, Shayong Community, Dutou Community, Zhuxiuyuan Community, Beitai Community, Shuyong Community, Maling Community and Fuyong Community.
As of the end of 2021, the permanent resident population of Nan District Subdistrict is 90,270, and the registered population is approximately 38,000.
Teahouse is a Cantonese restaurant that originated in Guangzhou. The tea house is mainly a place for drinking tea and eating snacks, and does not provide other dishes. Teahouses existed long before the Qing Dynasty. The famous existing teahouses include Ronghua House, Taotaoju, Linxiang House and Longhua Tea House next to Macau Admiral Market.
Tea houses began to appear in Guangzhou in the middle period of the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, people from Qibao Township (Shiwan area) in Foshan came to Guangzhou to open three-story tea houses, which were first called tea houses. Cantonese people go to teahouses to drink tea, which is called going to a high building.
The teahouse in Xiguan can be regarded as a typical and model of Guangfu teahouse. Teahouses in the four towns near Guangzhou and even in Hong Kong and Macau all follow the example of Xiguan Teahouse. Some of the old teahouses in Hong Kong still retain the influence of Xiguan Teahouse.
In the late Qing Dynasty, the layout of the Xiguan teahouse was not the two or three-story style seen today, but with blue bricks and stone base, just like a big house in Xiguan. The main door also had a wooden door and a foot door, and there was a patio and a wing inside, which could accommodate a limited number of guests. During the Guangxu period, the famous teahouses included Yiyuan in the eleventh house, Rongzhenju in the second house, Yonganju in the third house, and Wuliuju in the fifth house. They were all destroyed before the Anti-Japanese War.
In the 1920s, some new-style teahouses emerged in Xiguan, most of which were "foreign-style buildings" with two or even three or four floors. The interiors were of the "bamboo tube house" style, that is, they were deep vertically, and some even had patios (such as Taotaoju). The window facing the street is made of Manchurian windows, which is bright and airy. The seats have booths and side rooms, which are elegant and comfortable.
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00:00 Intro
00:43 中山老店飲早茶/愛群食店/當地人最愛/交通路線
13:14 中山南區夜市趁墟/水果/家禽/蔬菜一應俱全
28:00 Ending
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