順德!最大周日市集!趕集!人氣超旺!北滘!最隱世私房菜!家庭聚會!食順德魚生!最正宗食法!味道如何?不容錯過!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!食遊記!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 順德!最大周日市集!趕集!人氣超旺!北滘!最隱世私房菜!家庭聚會!食順德魚生!最正宗食法!味道如何?不容錯過!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!食遊記!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#順德 #旅遊 #食遊記

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/uTPgJtEyJ96UC...
餐廳消費:蒸鳳爪 ¥18,炸雞翼 ¥20,油炸鬼 ¥5,XO醬蘿蔔糕 ¥15,窩蛋牛肉粥 ¥15,倫教糕 ¥5
倫教位於中國廣東省佛山市順德區,是順德區糧食和經濟作物產區,也是該區的市區部分。 順德小食倫教糕便得名於此。
“倫教”,亦作“倫滘”。 「滘」是兩條路匯聚之處。 據《廣東新語》:「二水相通處曰滘」。
倫教古稱“海心沙”,相傳明朝初期鄉紳鄭循齋治理海心沙有功,朝廷賜他“倫常教化”的龍匾,“倫教”因而得名。 倫教在明清時期,屬倫教、黎村、羊額堡地。 中華民國時期劃為「第二區」。 中華人民共和國成立至1956年3月仍稱「第二區」。 1956年4月起先後稱「倫教區」、「倫教鄉」、「倫教人民公社」。 1983年11月,倫教恢復區的建制,1987年2月撤區建鎮。
北滘鎮,是順德的一個鎮,古稱“百滘”,意為“百河交錯、水網密集”。 建制於1959年,現時由廣東省佛山市管轄,位處順德東北部,全鎮總面積約92平方公里,轄19個村(社區),廣州主城區、佛山新城、順德主城區三城的交匯 處,順德區第二大鎮。
北滘鎮地理位置優越,水陸交通便利,區域內及外圍有廣珠西線(太澳高速)、佛山一環、廣珠輕軌(北滘鎮、碧江站)、廣州南站等交通設施連接 穗港澳及華中地區。
Lunjiao is located in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China. It is a grain and cash crop producing area in Shunde District and is also the urban part of the district. Shunde snack Lunjiao cake is named after this.
"Lunjiao" is also called "Lunjiao". "Jiao" is the place where two waterways converge. According to "Guangdong News": "The place where the two waters are connected is called Jiao".
Lunjiao was called "Haixinsha" in ancient times. It is said that in the early Ming Dynasty, the squire Zheng Xunzhai made great contributions to the governance of Haixinsha. The imperial court awarded him a dragon plaque with the title "Lun Chang Jiaohua", hence the name "Lunjiao". During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Lunjiao belonged to Lunjiao, Licun and Yang'ebao areas. During the Republic of China, it was classified as the "Second District". From the founding of the People's Republic of China to March 1956, it was still called the "Second District". Since April 1956, it has been called "Lunjiao District", "Lunjiao Township" and "Lunjiao People's Commune". In November 1983, Lunjiao restored the organizational structure of the district, and in February 1987, the district was withdrawn and established as a town.
Beijiao Town is a town in Shunde. It was called "Baijiao" in ancient times, which means "hundreds of rivers intertwined with dense water networks". It was established in 1959 and is currently under the jurisdiction of Foshan City, Guangdong Province. It is located in the northeast of Shunde. The town has a total area of about 92 square kilometers and governs 19 villages (communities). It is the intersection of the main urban area of Guangzhou, Foshan New City and the main urban area of Shunde. is the second largest town in Shunde District.
Beijiao Town has an advantageous geographical location and convenient water and land transportation. The area and its periphery are connected by transportation facilities such as Guangzhou-Zhuhai West Line (Tai'ao Expressway), Foshan First Ring Road, Guangzhou-Zhuhai Light Rail (Beijiao Town, Bijiang Station), and Guangzhou South Railway Station. Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao and Central China.


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00:00 Intro
00:50 順德倫教/三洲週日市集/趕集
05:47 華滿苑大酒樓/讀餐牌時間/蒸鳳爪/炸雞翼/油炸鬼/XO醬蘿蔔糕/窩蛋牛肉粥/倫教糕
13:37 市集盛況/寵物貓狗/飛禽走獸/奇花異果/一應俱全
30:36 北滘/隱世私人美食/濤悅居海鮮私人美食/家庭聚會
42:26 Ending
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